posted by xing216
on Tue, 2015-03-03 21:16
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I would like to join this server because I am looking for a tight-knit server that I can enjoy what I love doing best, redstone! I am not the best redstoner, but I am a great logical thinker (or at least I like to think so!). I usually go off of a build and I stick to compacting it and making it faster until I can't anymore. For, example my focus right now is a code lock door. I've started with just having simple AND gates and levers to now only one and gate with a changeable code. After this I would probably love to work on making a calculator or a piston door. Others could probably help with game mechanics because I'm not very knowledgeable of that topic. Since this is a small server (from the looks of it), I'd probably have the chance to ask people and get a response without asking a million times.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know how to build most of the basic logic gates. Like I said before, I'm currently improving my design on a code-lock system. I can make pretty small t-flip-flops, most of which are my designs. I usually go onto YouTube to learn how to do new things. I'm a little iffy on some redstone mechanics such as some directional mechanics.
Past Redstone Experience:
I really like my code-lock, hehe. I use buttons along with a tile-able mono-stable t flip-flop to remove the need for a reset button. I used one long AND gate with the inputs going into it. with levers to select which torches are on to change the code. Then, I also have the inputs going into pistons as a check to see if the user press the wrong button. It is a bit slow, but I'm still working on it to make it as fast as possible.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Application status: