7 Segment Display ROM Sequencer

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
Weeboo : Learner
Creation location: 
-455, 70, 17
Machine Features: 

My machine can sequence an number 1-9 up to 9 digits. The machine takes advantage of read only memory to do this job. Each number is hard-coded into the ROM. It then take the signal and feeds it into the 7 segment display, pre programmed with recognizable numbers. A monostable circuit activates the ROM to go one rotation. At the end of each sequence, lights turn on with the addition of an extra memory cell.

How To Use: 

To use it, activate the clock to sequence automatically, or push the button to sequence one number. To change the sequence, edit the glass and wool in the ROM. The glass is when it is not active, and the wool is when it is. Make sure only one cell of the ROM gets one slot for the wool, and that there is only one wool in each cell.

Request status: 
Not approved


Why was it not approved?

By Weeboo