posted by minecraftredstoneist
on Mon, 2015-03-16 20:02
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
im interested because i want i server that can tell me if my redstone relly is good or if its bad because my freinds alway just say col they never tell me if its relly good or if it avrage or if its bad
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know how to make alot of redstone this is a list of just a few thing vault doors,atm machines, key pad doors,make eggs that spawn in houses, elavators, and a lot more
Past Redstone Experience:
my experiences well i would not know any thing about redstone if it wasnt for fedxgaming I laurned every thing about redstoning from him my red stone creations can be use for good are bad like traps or houses
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
11-15 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Im also am greate at building
Application status:
Not approved
by the way just sayin your
by the way just sayin your servers greate
if you see this i just wanted
if you see this i just wanted you to know I put absout I ment to do abscout
Hei, you didn't quite meet up with the standards. It's very important that you write two full lines per questions in your applications. If you need guidence in your native language, tell me.
Best regards