Application for Sebastian_back

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am interested in joining this server, because I have searched far and wide to find a decent server that is focused on redstone. In addition, I would love to learn a lot of redstone mechanics and help people out who are struggling with certain things, and also, if I can, I can help bug fix. In most other places, the staff know little about redstone, the ones that do are overly condenscending, and the people on the server are very nice, and knowledgeable. I would be interested in learning more of piston mechanics and redstone timing.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know basic redstone (power sources, basic piston mechanics, and how power sources work, etc.). I can make monostables, clocks, and double piston extenders. My redstone strength is probably flying machines. I can utilize many redstone creations and put it into a house, along with some resource collecters, such as a cobble stone wall generator and such. I know many ways of how to make a contraption more efficient, and I hope to make many more improvements in redstone. My limits of redstone is probably 3+ piston extenders, and complex redstone things like binary storage systems, and dd units, which is more of a "don't know how to do" than a "tried, and can't". And also, I know how to build many things, but I don't know the technical jargon for everything.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My best redstone creation so far has been my combination door. The combo is hardwired in the system, and it requires a certain order. The door itself is just a NOT gate hooked up to the output of the NAND gate used. First of all, all of the levers, except one, will cut itself off, once to up to three times. The first lever prevents the others from cutting the other levers off from cutting themselves off, the second lever does the same, and so on. In order to prevent just any order, I added that all of the other levers can cut off the first, thereby preventing it (the first lever) from cutting off all of the levers. It IS a rather tedious logical usage. The cutoff section is just the lever itself powering a sticky piston, thereby preventing the signal from going on. So the redstone that I used were cutoffs, NOT gates, NAND gates, and that is about it.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I would like to add that I am pretty good at command blocks, and logistics, and I have been told that my contraptions are very odd in comparison to what other people's ideas are as to how to make it. And I hope to furthermore improve them.
Application status: 