Bazco Mk 1

conorpo's picture
Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
conorpo: Regular ; bazookabunny2700:Builder
Creation location: 
Machine Features: 

The machine is a 8 Bit CPU with 7 programs. These programs include addition, subtraction, multiplication(Max 5 bit inputs), linear plotting, simple point plotting, and equation solving. The temporary and user input registries use a RAM design. The machine features conditional looping and jumping. The machine also features a 28x28 GPU to plot points and lines. Ontop of the GPU is a 3 digit seven segment display with a 2 digit over 2 digit fraction display to its side. The UI also has some additional information outputs for example: Program Running, Current Data Loop Value, and program finished indicator. More information of the Bazco can be found around the UI and in the tour(You can find the tour entrance in the UI).

How To Use: 

1: Select the program you want to use(Make sure you restart the CPU every time you do a program.
2: Input the values you want to input into the appropriate variable holder(More Info under program)
3: Flip the "Start Clock" lever.
4: Go to the viewing room(Optional)

For Reset:
1: Stop the clock
2: Turn off all binary inputs
3: Reset the CPU

Request status: 


conorpo's picture

Sorry meant (Max 4 bit input) for multiplication and also I meant conditional branching not conditional looping.

By conorpo