Application for rcdrayna

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I enjoy using redstone when I play minecraft, and would like to improve my skills. I don't think there is a better server to learn on than this one. Frankly, it would be much more enjoyable to learn more about redstone through actual hands-on experience. After aimlessly flying around the plots for a while, I saw some absolutely phenomenal creations. I would love to learn to do the same.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know the "basics" of redstone. I know how to make simple contraptions like a 3 by 2 piston door, and a number of automatic farms, and other devices. I also know how to make a few gates such as a t flip-flop, and a xor gate. And although they were obviously not my idea, I've built some more advanced contraptions with the help of youtube tutorials.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My best(Not Really), and most fun redstone creation is something I like to call the Jumper-Umper. To be honest, I did not originally build it with any specific purpose, other than to generate a few laughs. It is essentially a device that I now use in my mines. When a player stands on top of a slime block and pushes a button, the machine simply opens a small piston door above the player's head, and launches the player upward. The door then closes under the player. The machine uses only basic redstone logic. The hardest part was putting the right amount of ticks on each repeater in order to get the timing right.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Application status: 