Application for SlimeEnergy

SlimeEnergy's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Because i really want to interact when i redstone. I want to join a server that is based on redstone. Where i can meet new people who share the same interest as me. Redstone. Also I think it will be really fun to redstone with other players and show them what i know and see what they also know. As the last app said. this doesnt need editing
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know every way to make a repeater (repeats signals). A lot about randomizers with droppers/dispensers/hoppers. I also know how to make a shop. I think i am very good at redstone. Redstone goes 15 blocks and it takes 1 stack + 16 items for a chest to power 2 redstone
Past Redstone Experience: 
Been redstoning since 1.6. I think i am really good at repeaters. Also randomizers/shops. My best redstone creation without commandblocks is the Automatic tree farm that is really cool and uses pistons. I also like my chunkloaders i have built
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Application status: 