Application for Rin_Q

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I already was on this Server for a Long time under the Name "der_typ77". As I changed my tag, i of course lost my state. i know, i was afk for some pretty Long time, but i still Play a lot of MC, due to Internet Problems (fixed), my ping was around 200, and i got kicked of most Servers; anyway, I still Played some Singleplayer and am building a Computer.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Any Basic Gates, Efficient Saving, Screens, De- and Encoders, Binary Calculating, Addition, Any Kind of RS techniques to wire up or down, kinetic redstone (like Elevators and simple doors(i could make more complex, I just never tried as it got boring)). Oh, and I am currently searching on new ways of saving and moe efficient data Transportation.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Adder, a 16 Byte save(somewhere on the Server), powered with RS nor latches(I recently figured out, that using BUD Switches to save is way more efficient.), to the 16 Byte save also was a 77P Screen with one Letter, Two Numbers and other stuff. My best creation BTW was a full working 3-bit adder, i Created Long time ago; with Screen and button Input.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Yeaaahhhh... I would be very thankful if you let me Re-Join the best community I ever had. Sorry? Maybe?


woesh0007's picture

Transferred rank from der_typ77 to Rin_Q (name change confirmed).

By woesh0007