Blacksworn's picture
Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
Blacksworn: Learner ; bazookabunny2700: Builder
Creation location: 
/plot tp plot_2-blacksworn
Machine Features: 

The BBOS (Blacksworn and Baz Operating System) is an 8 bit CPU run by redstone. It has a single program, Fibonacci, but can run any amount of programs if they are programmed in. It uses a three digit seven segment display to show numbers.
The colour of wool shows what part of the CPU it is. The colours are:

Green - ALU/Restart CPU | Red - Register | Orange - Decoder/Opcode | Black/Quartz - Programs/Seven segment display | Yellow - Double Dabble | Pink - Program Counter | Dark Blue - Clock

How To Use: 

To use the BBOS, first press the program you would like to use, then press the "Run Program (Clock)" button. This will automatically start the program you have selected. Additionally, you can use the levers that display binary numbers at the back.

To stop using a program, first turn off the program you are using (make sure all the binary levers are off), then stop the clock. Make sure to restart the CPU if you are leaving, or you want to use a different program.

Request status: 