posted by toemoe3
on Wed, 2015-05-27 18:35
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
As i have always been interested in redstone and build alot of what i concider to be *noob* things i want to learn more. i started looking for servers on google and found this one, i hope to learn alot more from redstone and how to use it and become better at it. I want to be creating huge projects and being able do to so on myself without youtube what so ever.
Current Redstone knowledge:
My current knowledge with redstone is: I dont quite know alot of the technical names and stuff like that, i basicly just build something i want to build. The names i do know are: T-Flip flop, i know transparent blocks and i know clocks, since im not familliar with the new redstone updates and cant figure out how they work that isnt something i will be good at, but im willing to learn for sure.
Past Redstone Experience:
My past redstone experiences was basicly from being a massive noob to being a good noob at redstone. I started out with knowing nothing and watching youtube and experimenting for myself and from time to time i started building t-flip flops etc. from the little things i wanted to build more so i started building a clock wich was my first big project. it was a clock with 10 seconds and it was very bad with tons of redstone for such a simple thing. my second big project was a elevator wich failed dramaticly. my last project was pretty recent: A redstone clock wich counted to 60 mins. it wasnt quite compact but i did love to build it and it was my best redstone project so far.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
6-10 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
On the schooldays ive got to go off the pc at 8pm amsterdam time because of homework and stuff, but in the weekends i can stay up to 1-2 am ish
Application status: