4 bits ALU + RAM (*4)

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
Starqueur : Learner
Creation location: 
warp: starqueur-1 or -500/173/-130
Machine Features: 

The machine save datas into a RAM, then those data are calculated with a 4 bits ALU which return the result on a pannel.
The RAM take the following parameters : number A, number B, OPcode
The ALU has the following features: OR,AND,XOR,NOR,NAND,NXOR,A+B,A-B and B-A

note: the machine is not designed to be fast but is not to slow

The RAM use D-flip-flop with various logic gates and a multiplexor for the RAM slot
The ALU use OR gates invertors and full adder, which are selected by the OPcode to create a function.
The rest of the machine use a binary counter , basical logic

How To Use: 

First take place into the GUI and set up the RAM with the datas of your choice, with indicating the RAM slot at the right and push the saving button. There is an help on the right for the OPcode which select the ALU's functions.
After setting up datas you can press the calculate button and wait for the results on the pannel.

Request status: 


Flandyn's picture

You have good electronics and logic knowledge.

Everything is fine with the "big picture", but when we look at it a bit in-depth, you got quite a lot of potential in components. Your RAM is quite well-made. However regarding your ALU, you need to take look at different adder designs. You can search for Flandyn on YouTube, Newomaster or Bennyscube. Or ask any high ranked player on the server.

Try to avoid adding extra repeaters, using torch tower or making the wires(bussing) extra long to obtrain symetric builds, it's simply not worth it. Keep focus on speed and size.

My advice is to plan better on component placements. Build with colour codes, it doesn't only simplify building this, but also gives you an easier time explaining it.

Good luck & keep up the good ward.

Best regards

By Flandyn