posted by Antonfromdenmark
on Wed, 2015-06-17 18:00
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
im interested in joining the server because i want to play some more minecraft and be better at redstone and because its funny to play with friends and make big creations and so... i want to be learner so my redstone things dont be like griefed by other players. i think this is the best server i played on in a long time so i want to use that much time i can to play here :D
Current Redstone knowledge:
i can build a 3X3 redstone door and a thing that can hold 3 amour stands and it can switch with one click. i can make a fully automattic mellon, suggercane, pumkin and cactus farm i can build an automattic ''weed'' farm :P and some other things like small clocks an yeah :D
Past Redstone Experience:
i have builded a house where everything is redstone when you go into the house all of the lights turn on and theres a security system where you can click a button and the no one can get in or out before you hit the button again. then thers the batroom... when you click the presure plate the toilet is popping out of the wall and the other things is also popping out of the walls :D!!!
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
i dont have any picture of it ;(
Application status: