posted by tiger1330
on Thu, 2015-07-02 17:37
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
i whant to join learner so i can learn more about redstone and build a little bit better stuffs (visitor always gets griefed) :( and a friend of mine suggested i should apply myself so we can build together (he is better then me) and he whant to learn me a little bit more about redstone
Current Redstone knowledge:
i know a little bit of everything how to make doors example big doors small doors how to make a clock that you set the number and it shows it how to make a comination code with levers (or buttons) how to use pistons and redstone blocks (etc) and some more other stuffs
Past Redstone Experience:
when i first came to the server i dident even know how to make a button switch (XD) but i atleast know how to use things as levers,pistons,buttons and other stuff (what i mean is i know the basics i think) but know i know much much more from the friends i have got on this server that have helped me out
(sorry dident read the text under) its my courses i made with small stuffs you gotta do (and dont gotta do) like a parkour course that you gotta use a bow to shoot a tree button (stone buttons dont activate from the arrows) and a trivia is in it and alots of pistons maybe 50-100
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
i hope i get a learner becouse then my friend(s) can teach me more about redstone ;)
Application status: