Application for CREEPERSLAYERS9

NerdNationRedstone's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am a boy who has a passion for redstone. I'm always looking for a good creative server, but either they're down, or redstone is not allowed. This one seems like a pretty good one, however. I can help other people if they have redstone problems, such as wiring issues sometimes piston works, and making creations more efficient. Judging by the first time I went on the server, It seems like it has a good community and good staff. Everyone is nice, and the staff were even willing to help with apllying problems! When I logged on, it immediately felt like home.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I started my passion for redstone about a year ago. I was randomly building stuff wen I decided to put some machines in. I put them in and my friends thought they were amazing. And to this very day, I am the redstone engineer of all my friends. I do want to learn how to make better piston machines. I am really good with command blocks, which I am sure we will not be doing. I'm also good with hidden doors and bases, combination locks, fun stuff, and pretty much anything James Bond would use in Minecraft.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have made combination locks, which consisted of AND gates and NOT gates. I've also made secret doors, including a lava pool were you go fishing. It contained a wooden pressure plate, so whenever the fishing rod hit it, a door in the ground would open up. I've discovered the art of locking repeaters, and how traps can actually be pretty fun to make. My best creation is probably a giant Capture the flag map made with redstone. It contained separate spawn points, team dividers, score boards, class selection, and, most of all, it contained no plugins at all!
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I am a beginning streamer on Twitch, and will soon be starting YouTube. I would be glad to showcase this server. I am also a boy scout who is halfway to the highest rank, Eagle Scout, which is pretty hard to get to. I dream to become a game designer for Bungie, Mojang, or Valve, and plan on having my own company. I plan on going to the University of Southern California, which is the top game design school in the country.
Application status: 