Application for special746

special746's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join this server because I believe it is the best server of its kind. I find redstone very interesting, and joining this server to build with other people who feel the same way would be much more fun than just building things by myself. I can offer any knowledge I have that other players don't have, though I don't think that that's likely to happen. The people on this server are much more knowledgeable about redstone than anyone I've ever met and I hope they can help teach me things I don't know to expand my redstone abilities.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know the basics of redstone, like that a line of powered redstone can go for 15 blocks before needing a repeater or a new source of power. Redstone is used to power many things, including pistons, redstone powered tracks, command blocks, and lamps. Some blocks, like smooth stone can carry a redstone signal. Repeaters are used to 'refresh' the redstone signal. Torches are used as power sources, but can also be used as inverters, which is when a redstone signal causes the redstone torch to turn off. These can be used to reverse operations, as well as binary calculators. For example, if a torch is being used to keep a sticky piston extended, and the torch is 'inverted' the sticky piston will pull whatever block was attached to it. Tripwires made using two tripwire hooks and string can be used to power a redstone signal when someone (or something) walks on it. TnT can be exploded with redstone. Levers can be used as a power source. I can make a 3 bit addition calculator in less than 20 minutes and I don't understand comparators.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My best redstone creation to date was a 5 bit addition calculator. (I would have made it bigger but I'm only allowed to go on the computer for a certain amount of time per day) The calculator was made in three parts. The first was an interface from which users could control the calculator. This part was simple as it only used stone, levers, and some signs. The second was the actual calculator, which had redstone torches set up in such a way that each combination of levers pulled would only activate one certain 'answer'. The third part was the display, which displayed the answer.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I'm really just here to have fun, practice my redstone skills, maybe learn a few things. Please accept my application!
Application status: 