Application for Jebachina

Jebachina's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Well i want to learn redstone as much as i can and i want to be redstone pro, i know it's very very hard and i was learning redstone a bit but i want to see what other people do and learn from them and then be better and better at redstone.I hope that i will be better and maybe make something big.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Well i can build something really small i am not that good at redstone and on this server i am trying to make my knowledge better. I know about broken repeaters and i only letters that i can make with redstone are letters A and N.I mean when you flick the lever that you get letters A or N.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Well i have none of the pretty good stuff, i alone without youtube made redstone furnace,redstone secret chest(oh very secretive),and that little stuff because i before i wasn't very intrested in redstone but now it has been changed.And i was making some more little stuff but they aren't good enough.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Application status: 
Not approved


Jebachina's picture


By Jebachina
Flandyn's picture

I've figured that you commented on another application that didn't have two full lines per question. Basically he made it up by answering very well on other questions.

You're using a very bad word a lot of times. The word "stuff" doesn't tell us anything. For isntance;

"and that little stuff because i before i wasn't very intrested in redstone but now it has been changed.And i was making some more little stuff but they aren't good enough."

What is little stuff? You also wrote four times that you wanted to learn redstone. Repeating yourself isn't good enough. You have to be exact use words. You can try to tell us what you want to learn. Tell us what you've made, if you don't know the name describe it!

Best regards

By Flandyn