Application for Vladamere12

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
well i want join this server is because i wanted to see the pc redstone community. I wanted to learn new stuff on pc because i am from the xbox 360 redstone community. its my first time on pc so what ever i learn ill introduce it to my redstone friends on xbox 360
Current Redstone knowledge: 
redstone dust only travels up to a length of 15 to extend it more use a repeater, repeaters have a delay to 1 to 4 and can be used to slow down concepts, SR nor latch is a concept that has two different lines for reset and save. T FLIP FLOP is act like lever but only it uses buttons so you can have multiple buttons anywhere you desire press the button once it turns on the output and keeps its on press it again it well turn off the output and these things are mostly used by 0 tic pulses unless your using silent t flip flop its different doesnt use pistons
Past Redstone Experience: 
i started doing redstone 4 years ago and i learned alot ive created things like doors up to 6x6 hidden staircases i can compact them very well by using all the logic i know for them and i love it because it gets me thinking. i created ping pong with redstone tic tac toe too even space invaders which was challenging i created flappybirds clocks counters and more my bestfriends are logicraftredstone thats his youtube chanelle too. reachtehcommunity is my other friend that his youtube chanelle and other redstoners but im xXCloudblazerXx from the xbox redstone community
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Application status: 



By Vladamere12