Application for MojoJojo2001

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
the reason why i want to join this server is for a few reasons. 1, i enjoy doing things with redstone. 2, redstone is my favorite thing to tinker with in minecraft. 3, honestly, redstone is a big reason that i play minecraft. i mean, sure trial and error is a frustrating part of it, but an important part of redstone. i like sharing my knowledge of redstone with people that are willing to listen to it.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
my limits with redstone are only a few things. for one, i cant figure out how to make an advanced hidden redstone door in a floor for a trap. and for another, im not too sure how to make those missiles using redstone and slime blocks that seth bling made for his mini-game 'missile wars'. the last thing that's beyond my limits is making a redstone elevator. thats about it. i forgot how to make the redstone elevator.
Past Redstone Experience: 
ok, so my best redstone creations of all time are as follows.and sorry, but i dont know what kind of redstone logic they use.number 10: a working car. i used pistons, redstone blocks, and slime blocks to make it work. number 9: a water pump. i used 2 slime blocks, a piston, and a redstone block. sure, it doesnt do anything but go back and forth, but it looks real cool. im just gonna skip to number 1. number 1: a working elevator. i forgot how to make it cause i made it like 3 years ago, but it was epic.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i would like to join this server to help me learn more advanced redstone and how to improve my designs.
Application status: 