Application for TheSadKorean

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join it because i want to start getting into really advanced things, like CPU's and ALU's. I would consider myself and intermediete redstone engineer, and i think I can get better faster by building creations with redstone engineers that have more experience than me.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
i know most of the logic gates, (t flip flops, etc.) and how blocks can be powered and what is able to receive power from it.(For example, dust connected to a block, and a repeater carrying on the signal.) Clocks, pulse shorteners, different piston doors, comparators, sorting systems. I think i really specialize in making note block sequences that make a tune. I understand how hoppers work with different storage blocks and how comparators do also. Like i said i am intermediate.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I think one of the best things i made was a dubstep note block sequence, i used pistons and dispensers to make different beats and sounds. Ive also made a 9 digit code lock that can have as many numbers in the code as you want. Ive also made an addition calculator that shows an answer in about 6 redstone ticks.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i started out on console version, so i have no experience with slime blocks, command blocks, etc.
Application status: 