posted by Master_Wyvern
on Mon, 2015-08-10 11:37
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I often do private builds on single-player worlds and i thought it would be quite interesting to work with other players on this server and learn more from these other players as well as also teach some things, and possibly collaborate with other players to create some rather spectacular redstone builds.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know relatively plenty about redstone... i may not know everything but i know all the basics as well as some advances... the only downfall in my redstone is that i still have not fully worked with slimeblocks, as i refused to play anything past 1.5.2 for a while because i had all my Redstone contraptions that i feared would be broken.
Past Redstone Experience:
In my own single-player worlds i have managed to pull off various musical creations, from some of my favorite songs and games... i also have created several mob battle arenas using several clocks and hopper methods to choose exactly the amount of mobs a player chooses, as well as i have manged to hide a 2x2 piston door in a cliff face to make a completely hidden entrance many pistons and many timers with several t-flip flops as well.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
sorry for not providing any links, i'm not a big fan of recording as well as the fact that i'm on a Chromebook running Ubuntu to play Minecraft... i don't think my computer could handle the recording at the same time. thanks for your time, hope to play on the server soon!
Also, just thought i should mention if you guys need any help as far as the german and spanish i am fully fluent in the three languages you guys are starting to provide and am willing to help or correct... let me know.
Application status: