It has all the features of an automatic mastermind game. The code inputs for the 2 players, 12 try,6 colors coded in 3 bit,error indication,misplacement indication (with wire on counter to avoid give more information), win and loose detection , playable indication.
Using decoders/encoders , wire counter (wire on 1), error detection-> decoder from binary coded color to error with input to modify the programation of the decoder, misplacement detection same as the error detection but with only 3 bit input, reset system , memory for the player 1's inputs and another one for the lock of the code given by player 2, game system connected to the memory.
The game works like the bord game, their is 2 panels, the first one is for the player 2, just enter a code and then lock the code with the lock buton (note: in this variation same color no many cell is allowed), And the second panel for the player one has the same choice for the code with 2 more butons: the send buton to send the code and test it and the reset buton to reset the game.And also 3 light to figure out if the player has won,loose or can play.