posted by Eklouve
on Sun, 2015-08-16 20:00
In-game name:
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Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am mostly interested in building with redstone whenever I play minecraft, but due to a lack of friends that play minecraft I am left with myself playing alone and not having all that much fun. I would much rather have a server to be able to play on and make cool stuff with alike minded people and possibly learn new things that I can do with redstone.
Current Redstone knowledge:
A redstone signal is 15 blocks at its highest, you can use repeaters to extend the signal. You can bring a redstone signal up quickly by using glowstone without any need for repeaters. A redstone torch is always active unless a redstone signal goes into the block it is ontop of, or if the signal is ontop of the block the redstone torch is on the side of. A redstone torch can "drop" a redstone signal straight down when on the side of a block to redstone ontop of a block two blocks down, as well as you can place a block ontop of a redstone torch to make that block active and send a signal to all directions. You can use this to bring a redstone signal straight up although at a delay. With repeaters you can make a block active and send a signal ontop and behind it, it would work just like a redstone torch to go in all directions, but due to the nature of repeaters that they are focused in one direction it is made to restrict the signal to go forward.With a redstone comparator you can make use of weak as well strong redstone signals, you can even make analogical machines with it due to that it not only takes the signal in mind, it takes the strength of it in mind as well. It was a long time ago since I was making redstone stuff, but I'm feeling like starting again and I am sure I got new things to learn.
Past Redstone Experience:
I've made a 4 bit computer a few years ago, it was by following a great tutorial on youtube that I sadly can't find anymore. It went through every block and piece of redstone, placing it all while explaining what it is for. I want to make a computer again but doing it alone and have no one to show it to would be rather boring.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Application status: