Application for jwdogg

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Ever since watching a couple of videos, i loved making redstone contraptions, I'm still learning things here and there, and the fun and challenges of innovating designs is just awesome to do in minecraft, by combining things like t-flip flops, pulse limiters, and other things, you can make so many things in minecraft
Current Redstone knowledge: 
T-flip flops, rs nor latches, BUD switches, a simple redstone clock, pulse limiters, automated sugar cane farm, TNT launcher, TNT player launcher, item elevator, OR gates, AND gates NAND gates, XOR gates NOT gate, redstone door, switching minecart tracks, and the thing I'm most proud of is a minecart storage system,
Past Redstone Experience: 
I've made 2 actual complex, redstone systems, a minecart storage system in which you click a button,, and a mincer with a chest comes into the area where the mincers go, and then you press another button, and the mincer goes away, you can use an infinite amount of mineecarts, I've also made an automated sugarcane farm, running off a BUD switch connected to an item elevator (i watch mumbo jumbos videos)
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i do watch a lot of mumbo jumbos youtube videos, (awesome redstone channel)
Application status: 