posted by D@nball12345
on Sun, 2015-08-23 09:21
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested into joining this server because i am seeking to find the best redstone server out there cause im bored of Redstone in single player. I do not want to pass the opportunity to share what i have created in my world. Since the dawn of Minecraft i have all ways been interested in redstone, form doors to SSD to to anything in between. I seek to find people that are better than me at redstone so i can learn from them and become better. this is why im joining.
Current Redstone knowledge:
My current understanding of redstone is that I can build separate parts to a computer of some sort. (for example: Ram, Solid state drives, and compact coders and decoders) I am now inventing and new 6x6 interior room elevator with a glass center. I have also created original redstone farms.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have built a calculator that can add, subtract, multiply and divide up to 3 digit numbers only and gates. These are other things i have created with the infamous redstone powder: compact coders and decoders Solid state drives, elevators, farms, doors. This is all the past redstone experience i have.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Application status: