Application for colethestats

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
The server seems like a fun place to be and to explore my creations with redstone. And to enhance my redstone capabilities. This server can off me peace and quiet so that i can practice my redstone in the utmost of peace.I can also offer to help others with their projects as well as if someone need help with something logicali can help with that.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
My current limitations in redstone are doors and i sometimes get frustrated with logic.Another limitation i have is that when im a having a hard time with something i usually dont like to listen to other people.I usually try to figure it out on my own.I know llogic such as the logic gates i.e and nand or nor xor xnor ect.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My past redstone experiernces and creations are a 4 bit bit calculator that feqtures a sequential bcd 4 bit bit insta carry adder 4 bit multiplier and 4 bit divider. The project ive been working on recently ias my 32 bit calculator. It features 32 bit serial bcd and 32 addition subtraction multiplication and division.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
> 15 hours per week
Application status: 