posted by JsY_AnToN
on Sat, 2015-08-29 12:13
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Im very interested in joining the server because it seem like a new experience for me and my friends and also i love vuiling so i should be on alot if im aloud my friend showed me this server and also my trats are building pvp and parkour im a legand on mineplex and a hero on arkham network and hopefully a lerner on this server and also i have skype to talk.
Current Redstone knowledge:
my current redstone knowledge is beginner i know quite alot and ive built alot of elevators, doors , slime roller-coaster ect but i have room for improment in it and also im willing to sepend all night finishing something if its not done or someone wants me to
Past Redstone Experience:
on skyblocks ive made alot of stuff in the past on skyblocks and creative like i said in the last Q ive played minecraft along time and will be on it a long time so yeah i know quite alot.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
> 15 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
my skype is anton.quen and im friendly and will not piss people off and i got a good comp
Application status:
Not approved