posted by RedTesseract
on Thu, 2015-09-17 21:30
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I always liked to build redstone circuits in Minecraft, but mostly simple builds focused on making my survival easier, and I would like to learn more about it .
I've got basic knowledge of logic and binary, but mostly theory as I study maths and the lessons were focused on understanding it and use it (mathematically speaking) more than applied uses of it.
On top of that, I love challenges, specially when it's in the range of my abilities but needing a bit of learning in order to improve myself. And I've seen it's common on the server :)
Current Redstone knowledge:
Not much, but willing to learn anything.
My knowledge would be: And gates, Or gates, clocks, Tflip-flop, piston cycles, a bit of ticks understanding... There are gates I know how to use, but don't know how to build them yet.
I'm mostly interested in learning to build contraptions that can be used in survival, big or small. I'm also very interested in compact redstone: making anything big smaller is quite cool.
Past Redstone Experience:
I mostly looked things up on youtube and then build it, sometimes doing small modifications, sometimes taking only the idea of the video and building one myself. Some things I've build this way are elevators, automatic chicken farm, items elevator, semi automatic cow farm, secret gates and stairs...
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
6-10 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Well, as said before, I'm studying maths at my university (Universidad de Sevilla), thus I'm used to problem solving.
I'm native in both spanish and french, I speak more or less fluently english, and can understand everything in dutch (I can speak it too, but less fluently, and I'm really bad at writing in it).
Appart from that... I'm belgian, live in Spain, a bit musician, love video games and much more :P
Application status: