Application for LoneAC

LoneAssassinC's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Lately I've been tons of logic stuff and I'd love to learn how to build a CPU. I also think this will be a great place to improve my skills. I've already done some logic stuff (explained in next section, no spoilers) so I won't be starting from a clean slate. I mainly do analog logic - I'll be able to share my knowledge with anyone who is willing to learn.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I've been redstoning since 1.5 and have been improving my skills since then. At first, I would copy designs to understand how they worked. I remember the first logic thing I made was a combination lock largely based on CNBMinecraft's. However, it wasn't until I saw a word processor that I really got into logic stuff. I think that this server will be a great place to expand on that knowledge.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Some of the things I've built are variable base CLE adder, 4-digit multiplier (multiplies two 4-digit numbers), and dual read RAM. I don't want to leave a wall of text explaining how each of these works, so I'll just explain the multiplier. The first thing it does is it stores the two numbers (A and B) into memory. I should also mention that the structure is diagonal. If the ones digit in B (B1) isn't 0, A is added onto itself B1 times. This is done in a half adder that accepts pulses, a comparator clock with decreasing signal strength, and a "gate" that allows A to pass through to the half adder. The half adder also gives a pulse for each time the sum was greater than 15. These pulses are directed into a counter and used as carry. Once the clock is done, input A is shifted up by one and input B is shifted down by one. This is effectively multiplying by 16 and also allows me to reuse the clock from before. At the same time, the carries are pulsed into the correct half adders. This repeats for all 4 digits in B. There is also some logic to account for zeroes, mostly timings though.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I'm on my way to building a 32-bit CPU using hexadecimal. I already have dual read RAM, a fast adder, and a fast multiplier. All I need is figure out how to implement Goldschmidt's division algorithm, how to build hexadecimal program memory, and learn CPU architectures.
Application status: 