Application for Darth_Ben17

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I'm interested in joining this server, mainly due to the fact I'd like somewhere to make and experiment with red stone, show off my creations and get help where I need it. There are some other red stone servers out there but this one seems more established and mabey a bit less restricted in the way that a massive amount of knowledge isn't required, just an understanding.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I like to think I'm fairly knowledgable about the subject. I have some experience with electronics so I know binary and how some of those things work so I don't find that too challenging to implement. I've been messing with red stone for about a year and feel like I'm ready to get a bit more complex and that's why I need the server and other to help me out.
Past Redstone Experience: 
The creation I made that I was most proud of was a four bit lottery machine that I made, about one month after I started with red stone. I used a bunch of logic gates for comparing results and, in hind sight, a really terrible clock. After that I tried out displays, looking at how other people made 7segment displays and making a few bad decoders to go with that. I also recently made a circuit to transmit four bit bcd over one wire without using analogue signals, into a decoder and onto a seven segment. I'm pretty proud of myself and foresee some great future creations.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I'd just like to say that the server looks very well managed and spawn is nice, not too much to say, I've never been one for coming up with things to say, unless they are obvious or factual.
Application status: 