posted by PLAYEveR
on Sun, 2015-10-18 17:31

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
at the beggining it's flying_aurelien who make me discover this server but he can't make me try his systems and so I have to make my smalls systems alone. that's not a big problem beacause I love discovering things to improve my systems and make them because many other players can try what i done myself
Current Redstone knowledge:
i'm not very good at redstone but i can learn, for example yesterday my friend flying_aurelien help me to understand and use logic doors
I know I have to practice for get some knowledge about redstone but when I have a friend like that , nothing is impossible. I really want to improve my redstone systems because i know i can leen on the players for explain what I don't understand
Past Redstone Experience:
I built so much systems in a server named lifecraft : I have done a dynamic firework system , some moving parkour, an automatic running mariokart .
and i had done some servers for fun with friends and I did a Guitar Hero minigame and a zombie tower defence
the redstone was simple but behind it were some good ideas
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
11-15 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
i'm french so if i make some english mistakes i hope you understand why
Application status: