posted by RM908
on Sat, 2015-10-24 11:42
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I start to watching many different videos about minecraft redstone and i like them because they can make thing is minecraft like in the real world so i start to make many different redstone contraptions, watch videos which help me and now i can build many different redstone builds that are amazing.When i start some redstone creation i make it for days or weeks but when i make it more then 6 hours a day the game whitout any users around me was boring so i decided to play in cool redstone server to make giant constructures of redstone and talk whit people to help me building or just to have my time talking about redstone !
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know all redstone conections how to stop them what don't stop them and when the torch is on how to desactivate it how to make clocks,
how to make vault dors or 3x3 doors, how to make Digital clocks or analog I cnow every redstone trick and woh does the repeaters and the comparators work...
Past Redstone Experience:
I make redstone contraption about 2 yers but I sart to make so little redstone designs about 3 years I start whit osme little thing like equiping station and 3x3 doors but then i start working on bigger things like my redstone computer which is 203x376x164 i work on it every time I had and then when I finish it I was thinking that i can build big things and start building insane redstone contraptions.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
For now i dont have a work or something because i am 14 and i just learn for my exams.
But i learn electronics and IT because I'm in IT school.
Application status: