Application for Bensoft007

Ti-89's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Mainly, this server seems very unique and interesting. It is a place I can show off my redstone creations to others that enjoy digital logic also. Additionally , the server is not very populated, so I know my builds will be safer. Finally, this server is geared to other people that enjoy redstone rather than people who just want a general creative plot.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Currently, I can build most digital logic circuits (my favorite) with redstone and redstone torches. I frequently use pistons as buffers and for other uses that compact redstone creations. I am not very good with slimeblock mechanics, and I am not as good at survival-suited redstone.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have attempted to build a minecraft computer 4 times. The first time wasn't necessarily a failure, but it was slow, large, ugly, and sloppily put together. The second attempt at building a computer in minecraft failed because I was too lazy XD. The third computer I attempted was binary Turing Machine ( and it worked well, but was somewhat slow. Finally, I made a decent 8 bit redstone computer over fall break that was much more powerful and smaller than my first. Instead of using opcodes, it took an input and output ID to determine which device the program should output to first, then what device to take input from. It had a conditional GOTO system which chose what line of code to execute based off of whether the last output from the circuit was equal to a desired value. Among other things, it had 63 bytes of RAM, 63 bytes of ROM, an 8 bit ALU capable of Add Subtract And Or Xor Left Bit Shift etc, a Binary to BCD display, an 8x8 screen, and a user input area.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
6-10 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Nope, I've got nothing else to say.
Application status: 