Application 848

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I have built a large floating hotel in the sky and one or two cathedrals on creative singleplayer. Using the zeppelin mod i also built a large airship bomber with a furnished passenger deck. The hotel is the centerpiece for my redstone creations which i will describe in the next section
Past Redstone Experience: 
My redstone experience is moderate and i would like to improve to date i have built 1 A piston elevator that is able to travel up at high speeds and stop at different floors 2A multiple choice test that allows three strikes througout it and when that threshold is reached it drowns you it uses a concept of flip flop circuits to input answers 3Using that same concept i made a combination lock 4 i built a piston lava obstacle course that retracts should you not complete it fast enough 5I have made a room in which you must find the correct path though a room of pressure plates dispensers shoot arrows at you if you step on the wrong one using a rapid pulser and and inverter 6 A fast closing 6x6 piston door that locks shut i used piston monorails running on a very fast clock Those are my best redstone creations to date and i would like to someday make more
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Yes i have read and understood the rules of this server and I believe that i would be a good candidate to be whitelisted because I am always willing to help( when i have time ) I would like to also thank you for reading my application over Ps: Hey dubastot you probably dont remember me from the 1.7 redstone server and id just like to say its nice to see your still runnin things smoothly
Application status: 


thanks for accepting me! its good to have an awsome server to play on again


thanks for accepting me! its good to have an awsome server to play on again