posted by FireMaster05
on Sat, 2015-11-07 22:22
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I want to be learner on this server because redstone is my favourite thing to do because I suck at building and I am horrible at creativity in building. But when it comes to redstone I think about every possible thing ever. Death machines, awesome doors and other fun things.
This server provides heaps of redstone awesomeness which is great for all those redstone geniuses like everyone on the sever.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Wow I know heaps of things. T flip flops for one thing and all the gates;NOT gate, AND gate, NAND gate, OR gate, NOR gate, XOR gate
XNOR gate and ONLY gate. Also Pistons can push up to 12 block and also slime blocks. Redstone has a signal maximum of 15. Glow stone and slabs are transparent so the are easy to use than torch towers.
Past Redstone Experience:
Well in the past I have build a jet pack that works! But it used command blocks. I do know how to make slime block machine that hovers on the ground and pushes you. It works by redstone blocks on slime blocks powering the Pistons having another piston push it back meaning it doesn't stop. I have also made a rainbow beacon using pulse extenders and stained glass of course.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
This server is the best server ever and it gives me so much opportunities to make lots of designs and redstone creations whenever I play this server I love it and also I am on my phone so it is hard. I watched the video ages ago but then staff told me again because you are awesome.
Application status: