Application for Clueless1234

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I think I am capable of building amazing redstone inventions if I am motivated enough. I think the best way of doing this is by joining a restone server. I can show my inventions, help other redstoneers and I can get some neat tips. The main reason though, is because I want to learn how to make my inventions more compact.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I have about 5 years of experience with Minecraft and redstone. I can memorise a lot of wires crossing each other, so I rarely loose my train of thought. I've downloaded ton of redstone maps and I've memorised thousands of redstone patterns. My main concern about my knowledge is how to make my inventions more compact
Past Redstone Experience: 
I've created a few redstone inventions. I started off by making an Arrow Machine Gun (I call it the AMG :D). It's a pretty easy inventions that just works with a piston moving back on fordward. Four years later I made a Sand Vending Machine. Basicly you place sand in a hole, which falls and allows redstone to pass through it. You then press a button and you get a certain food for the amount of sand you paid. It obviously also works with gravel and maybe an anvil (haven't tested)
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
6-10 hours per week
Application status: 