Nim Machine

Ti-89's picture
Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
Ti89: Learner
Creation location: 
31, 51, -305
Machine Features: 

This redstone machine is a fully functional Nim game board. Two players can play a game of Nim (go to for information on how to play) together with up to five rows of game play available, with each row able to hold up to seven dots. Additionally, this machine features a fully functional Nim AI. The AI can give you all the possible winning moves of a board state in the form of how many dots you should make a row contain. If there are no winning moves, then the lamp that says the player is losing comes on. If a player has a winning move, the opponent will be losing if the other player makes that move because there are no possible draws in Nim. This AI is 100% accurate all the time and will never show a move that doesn't guarantee a win.

How To Use: 

First, set up the board by pressing buttons in each row. When a button is pressed, that light and all the lights to the right will go off. The number of lights on is how many dots are in the row. When it is your turn, you can make a move by just pressing one button. If you wish, you can do what the AI tells you to and wreck your opponent.

Request status: 