posted by BrotherBazy
on Sat, 2015-12-26 20:51
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Redstone work is something i never practised the whole day, but if I got a good idea to build, I do it. And of course It's more fun together. I never want to spend my time alone in a singleplayer world while building a construct out of redstone curcuits. I don't play minecraft very often, but sometimes I got a phases doing it. Maybe I'll learn the more complicated stuff on you server.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know the most basic functions about redstone, torches, pistons, repeaters and comparators. I am able to use Gates and Flipflops. Most of the time I built easy redstone constructions out of basic gates and flipflops on large fields with a good overview. I don't know anything about this computerstuff (Alu, Cu, Ram).
Past Redstone Experience:
I built these easy redstone constructions like piston doors, Noteblock songs and Rock-Paper-Scissors. Furthermore I built Codelocked doors and some circuits to handle Jump n' Run levels. Most time very basic out of redstone, torches and repeaters in a large field with good overview. I never built any high-complicated curcuits.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Native German, small knowledge about java. Summer is hot.
Application status: