Application for SubsidedGibbon0

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Im interested in joining this server for a few reasons, I will review them now.My 1st reason is to explore the endless creations you may do with redstone on a server.The Reason for the server is so im not working alone, I believe that two minds is better than one.I also want to bond with the community and the people on this server, not only would it be a great place to achieve great things but i would also be with people and that therefore would create great relationships.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know all the major and sub major logic gates(And,Nand,Not,Or,Nor,Xor,Xnor,ect.).I know how to design, build and execute alu's,processors,7seg,screens in general,pistons and lamps,redstone repeaters and comparators,i also have a depth knowledge of slime blocks and command blocks which would probably be utterly useless,i also am very experienced with redstone in general.
Past Redstone Experience: 
16-Bit Risc Processor,8 Bit Cisc Processor, Individual Computational circuits include 4 bit alu,8 bit alu, and a 16 bit alu,all featured all major functions you find in calculators today, plus square roots, and sr remainders, also did the additionals for radix on division,negatives as well.4 Bit calculator.8 bit calculator.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Application status: 