Application for 9563rj

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join this redstone server for mostly four reasons. One, redstone servers are a bit rare and I dont really seem to find them that often. Two, I like the idea of building with a community to help with problems. Three, my best friend plays this server and he is a MC pro and I am his "apprentice". Four, I like redstone. Redstone is amazing. It can build pretty much anything you can think of, basically without limits.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Inverters, computers (Sort of), clocks (Sort of), toggle switches, block key mechasims, elevators, Jeb doors for mountain secret bunkers, TNT cannons, automated crop harvesters using pistons, water, a hillside farm, and a redstone mechanism that uses a daylight sensor to do it every certain amount of time, elevators using torch-chain mechanisms to power pistons at certain times, and im looking forward to learning more.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have tried to build a redstone computer with CPU, long-term memory, short-term memory (R.A.M.), and a functions board with piston monitor. Unforunately, I messed up on an input gate in the CPU, destroying the computer. I have also tried to build a redstone elevator using the torch-chain timing method, and it was sort of successful, but not fully sucessful. It would work up to a certain point where the pistons would throw you off.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
> 15 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
On my elevator, my brother cloned the elevator and made a prank where it tossed you into some TNT.
Application status: 