posted by CrystalLight64
on Sat, 2016-01-02 00:34

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Redstones my favorite thing to do and I want to learn from others so I can improve my skills and to compact my contraptions down. Also I want to get inspiration for redstone idea's. Other servers don't let me use droppers and dispenser circuits to use to make my redstone silent.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know lots of logic circuits and buds. I also know torch towers, and piston circuits. I color code my circuits for easier understanding. I like to make cool traps and secret doors. I also take people's ideas and modify them to make them even more better. I try to make unique contraptions.
Past Redstone Experience:
The best redstone contraptions I've made is mob arena's, timers, and much more. How the mob arena works is with the start of a button. I trigers a t-flipflop. It opens flush doors. The other circuits start a one minute timer(Which I invented) and a wave system thats shoots out one mob in each dispenser down a stream of water going directly to the players. The other circuit goes threw a block into a counter system with lamps indicating which round your on. The t-flipflop pulls the block down from the counter and timer path ways. This is to avoid the player from pressing the button when the one minute timer activates the t-flipflop after the minute to toggle the system off. After the minute's up, It shoots an award thats a one time award. That's just half of it. It gets even more complicated with stores and power up shops that gives you extra rewards, turrets, and longer time on power ups. It's the most complicated thing I've done. It takes hours to make them. I've made many version of them. I'm on my third version which improves the power up system. It takes several tests to make sure everything's working. I would like to go in more detail about the power ups, but that would take a very long time/
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Application status: