Application for PeterC10

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am interested in joining this server because it has my 3 favorite things, Redstone, Minecraft, and friends. Basically what I mean is that first Redstone is one of my favorite things to do, and after seeing what this has done and can do I know I'll learn some stuff. Also that the people on this server are so nice, I've already made a few friends and they help me, I help them and it just becomes a circle of friendship. And by the way I won't grief, in fact that's the last thing in my mind is to grief this wonderful server. And no matter what I say here is not NEARLY enough to show how much love I have for this server. Oh and to conclude I think I would be a good person for the server because I think I have a nice and enthusiastic attitude and I learn FAST, so eventually I'll be able to help the server A LOT.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Well, my current Redstone knowledge is actually pretty good (in my perspective), for I know all the uses of the Redstone items (even comparators and cauldrons). I actually can't think of what would be my favorite Redstone build, because I kind of don't want to pick a favorite where as I am going to just choose ALL of what I built that works because it always feels like my favorite contraption IF IT WORKS, No matter how simple. And for the ones that don't work I'm just glad I took time to care about something and learn from it, setting new goals.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My past Redstone experience was when I started 4 years ago I quickly learned the mechanics of every Redstone item and it soon became my favorite item, growing, and growing with it. And soon after I started building my own creations growing, and growing as well as my skill, leading up to where I am today.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I think I'd eventually be able to help the server out and don't think because I'm 11 I can't be smart as I do 7-9th grade math at the moment understanding matrices and partial algebra
Application status: 


nice app :)

By Ecconia