8-bit CPU (programmed to run fibinacci sequence)

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
TheDacinator [Learner]
Creation location: 
-246 84 89
Machine Features: 

This CPU is 8-bit, has 8 functions, 8 bytes of RAM which is expandable to 16 bytes (i have half reserved for IO), and 32 lines of ROM. The ROM is split into a constant (used with the constant function), the addresses for the 2 inputs, the address for the output, the function, and the two possible addresses for the next line. Its functions are constant, goto, copy, invert, if-else, add, shift left, and shift right. Constant uses the constant defined in the ROM as what is written to the output address. Goto goes to the next line without doing anything. Copy uses the first input as the output. Invert inverts the bits in the first input as the output. Add adds the first and second inputs as the output. Shift left and shift right shift the byte correspondingly. If-else uses one line address if both inputs are identical, and the other if they are different. All other functions use the "false" line by default to determine the next line.

Unfortunately, the CPU doesn't have some common functions like XOR, OR, AND, etc. The CPU was built originally just to do math as an ALU and later i converted it into a CPU. The clock speed is also slow because of its size and how it uses slow components like the 32 lines of ROM and 8+ bytes of RAM.

How To Use: 

Lines are programmed by placing torches on the ROM lines of the CPU. Right now I have the CPU set up to display the numbers in the fibonacci sequence in order. The CPU may seem that it isn't working, but that's just because the clock speed is slow. After a couple of seconds the CPU will display the number "1" in binary followed by 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc. Each time the number changes it will play a sound.

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