Application for Mr_RedStoneMC

Mr_RedStoneMC's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Well, to start off with I hate most servers since I can`t find anyone that speaks my language. In other words I could talk about an T-flip flop and no one knows what that is. Plus I can`t express my true creativity with the red stuff since most servers don`t really enjoy having complex gadgets on them. So A server with nice people who understand the concept of redstone, what redstoner wouldn`t want the chance of joining.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know most redstone circuits and what they correspond of actions. The trouble for me is to put them to use. But most things I build are mainly simple in the grand scheme of things and often do jobs I hate or cool things no one really needs. For example a chicken cooker and a multi-color/color selector beacon. All in all, most of the redstone i know is fun and useful.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My past redstone experience is building, for a small fee, redstone contraptions for people in bases and community builds for an entire server if allowed. So if your familiar with the Youtuber Mumbo Jumbo he has a redstone consultancy. Most times I would too set up a shop, not exactly like his, and build things for people to enjoy.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
One more thing i`d like to add. Most of my builds will start off with an already made design from someone. I then modify it to do the things I want. So say there is a small chicken cooker. If it`s missing say a non-cooked selecting button and or switch I will take the design and make to where it does. But to be clear this is for some of my builds, not all, so I can come up with things without reference. Thankyou for reading my app.
Application status: 