Connect 4

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
RuberCuber: Regular
Creation location: 
1200 100 -1422
Machine Features: 

This connect 4 game comes with win detection, able to detect a horizontal, vertical and diagonal win of 4 in a row. comes with spam proofing and auto reset. win detection system is mainly in lime green wool, and consists of many AND gates. After a player makes a move, the move will be recorded in a memory system consisting of locking repeaters and pistons, and then will switch the input lines to the next player. There are separate memory systems for each player. Once a move is on the board, it stays there until the board resets. There is also a manual reset button down below next to the input buttons. Once a player wins, the winning player's shape will flash in the gold square above the board, and the board will auto reset.

When it is a player's turn, it will show the player's shape in either the green or red squares above the board (green is for +, red is for O). After each reset, the green player (+) will always start. reset system lines are mainly in yellow wool. System to simulate the counters being dropped from the top and falling to the bottommost square is just by using a vertical counter system, mainly in black wool.

How To Use: 

The player's turn will be displayed in the green and red squares above the board. To place a counter in one of the columns, press the button directly below the column, and the counter will be placed at the bottommost square possible (as if being dropped from the top). The turn will then proceed to the next player. When someone gets 4 counters in a straight line horizontally, vertically or diagonally, the player will win and the game will auto reset. If you want to abort a game halfway through, press the manual reset button to the left of the board.

Request status: 
Not approved