Application for Assain99 (Past Name Neymar1234)

Assain99's picture
In-game name: 
Assain99 (Past Name Neymar1234)
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Because i love creative servers and i want to make this a better server i would do ANYTHING to get the server to the number 1 rank and to keep the server running.I am trustworthy when it comes to helping people and welcoming them.I will report bad people and kick griefers. the server will become number 1 if you accept me :):):):)
Current Redstone knowledge: 
i know alot about redstone my limits are probaly stopwatchs torchs can be actived by repeaters. i can make songs with note blocks. i know that if you press a lever next to a dispencer and it fires an arrow that hits a wooden button which connects to redstne torch next to the despencer it becomes a clock
Past Redstone Experience: 
a calculater. you press levers and pistons move to make that number and the times or plus or minus and whatever then you press the equals button and the numbers you choose combine with the times whatever you choose to make the pistons change it took me ages though
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
6-10 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i think you should make plots a little bigger thats it though
Application status: 


Gort's picture

Your application is acceptable, but I'd like to be clear that this is not a staff application; it's a membership application. Everyone on the server is here for redstone, and it's for personal interest, not necessarily for server advancement. If you'd like to be staff one day, that's great, but you'll need to show your commitment over time. :)

By Gort
Assain99's picture

Ok but did i get member

By Assain99