Application 878

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I don't have any documented personal experience. But, I can say that i have spent a lot of time on Minecraft. I have fiddled and i have faddled but i have never done the two together because that would be just silly! But, to put this into a solid summary i cannot show any past experiences but hopefully ones that I accomplish will be enough once seen.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have messed around with redstone. I have torn my hair out (almost literally). It is a very frustrating experince for those that don't know how to use it. But, I'm learning and that is all that matters. I hope.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I have read and understood the rules. I will abide by them and respect them. By my *Looks down into hand* pickaxe i swear.
Application status: 