Application for Don_Manuel_1229

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I've taken a great liking to wiring in redstone, i believe in communities and that the best way to expose yourself to ideas and people is through them. I think that styms is a great place after taking a look around last month and I would like to partake in it. I like that there are various ranks; most impressed about how difficult Senior seems to be. I'm aware that there are many people on this server that build computers and MC computer architecture interests me a lot.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I'm familiar with a lot of redstone mechanics; pistons/dropper/dispenser budding, tripwires only accepting a block under them if facing south-north, redirecting redstone not updating comparators, slab tower's instant diode, intant wire with pistons, comparators accepting a side input 1tick late if it comes from a repeater and still calculating within the same tick. I've found/rediscovered bugs/features. I think (mechanics-wise) what i dont underdstand is: how sometimes comparators can be glitchy
Past Redstone Experience: 
I know how to wire different adders: cle, cca, ica, and their hexdecimal versions. I'm pretty sure i was the first to build a hex cca in August 2015. My best creation has been a hex multiplier (2 1-long inputs) that outputs in 15 ticks synced. It used some specialized circuits to double the A input 3 times, really fast and in parallel, converted B into Binary and used Bin(B) to MUX out which values to add for the last output from the set {A, 2A, 4A, 8A}
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
11-15 hours per week
Application status: 