Application for rallemusen1

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am interested in join the server because the server seems to be the best server on the market. And because i love redstone and want to be better at it. And playing with other players there are better than me and can learn from them. And its fun to make creations with other redstoners.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
My currently limit of redstone is not that high because i started redstone 1 month ago. And i still need to learn some basic things. I hope i can learn it in here i. I know to most basic redstone there is not so mutch to say. As i said it wil be good to learn some redstone thats the real sh#t.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My best redstone creation i build like 2 weeks ago, it was a data viewer 15x15 display redstone lamps. It works such the 8 in redstone lamps 10 lever, each activate a peace of the number it must switch. Redstone tortch all the place and then you can brake them and turn of the redstone lamps there not need to be activated.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Cool there is someone there care about players there want to build redstone together.
Application status: 