Application 885

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
My past creative experience is castle builds with redstone gates and jails, also i have made some pretty good team build designs and contributions to them, like a replica of the black pearl from pirates of the carrbean and more castle builds some pixle art but i prefer 3D builds over 2D any day.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My past redstone experience is hidden book case doors, and some clocks i have been working on a calculator design for a while i have been helping some friends on there redstone build its a jail that is connected together by redstone so if you hit one button it will open a row of doors, and an oven that spawns pigs and cooks them and a water stream gives you the food out the front it uses pistons to push the pigs forward to the fire.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Yes i have read all the rules and understand all of them and what they mean i also have most of all the same rules on my server like no greifing and no asking for OP or ranks.
Application status: 