Application for Koyarno

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I've been on another server for quite some time. I noticed that here there is a slightly more focus on games in particular and thats something i really want to learn. Besides that, there is always more room for improvement in computer components and around computer science concepts.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Binary, Hex, ALU's, ROM, RAM, ISA's, pipelining (stages, state control, dataflow, caching, branch prediction, data, resource and structure hazards). Generally i stay away from pistons and have zero knowledge of them :P. Recently i am working on board logic (the games that require pieces on a board to interact like reversi). There isn't a whole lot i miss out on considering redstone basics.
Past Redstone Experience: 
GP registers, Stack registers, Content addressable registers, Pulse memory cells, Decoders, CLE counters, CLE adder, 8 bit barrel shifter, checkers board, XOR less adder, 4 block high cpu, Serial RAM unit, Instruction cache, Cache lookup unit, Cache replacement unit, 8 bit multiplier tree. 8 tick pipe cca alu. Recently i made a 6 tick cca alu capable of handling sequential instructions with operand forwarding including !A, !B, OR, FC, Cin, SHR, and as i always want to add: random number generator :P. Also the barrel shifter is reasonably fast on 5 ticks and uses signal strength to determine the shifted amount. does also bit rotation on that ofcourse.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
naw i'm fine
Application status: 